Ebook Guide

How to transfer your eBook to the Kindle:

To add The Will of Heroes (".mobi") Ebook to your Kindle:

  1. Turn your Kindle on
  2. Connect the Kindle to your computer using the USB cable that came with your Kindle
  3. Drag and drop the ".mobi" Ebook file into the documents folder on your Kindle
  4. When the USB activity indicator on your Kindle stops flashing, "Safely Remove Mass Storage Device (Windows) or "Eject" (Mac) the Kindle from your computer
  5. When the USB activity indicator on your Kindle stops flashing, unplug the USB cable from your Kindle

Your copy of The Will of Heroes should now appear in your Kindle library.


Transferring files to your Kindle using Email:

Instructions adapted from Amazon Help pages.

  1. Download the .mobi file to your computer. This will have a .mobi extension after the file name and would have been sent to you as an attachment, or if the file was too large for email, you would have been sent a Dropbox link to download the file from. Make sure you know where the Mobi file downloads to on your computer (your Desktop or Documents folder may be a good place)
  2. Go to Amazon’s website and log in to your account.
  3. Click on Your Account and then scroll down to the Digital Content section
  4. Select Manage Your Kindle or Manage your Content and Devices.
  5. Select Personal Document Settings. You should see a heading Send to Kindle email settings. There should be an email address there, XXXXX@Kindle.com.
  6. Go to Approved Personal Document E-mail List section which is further down the page Manage your Content and Devices. Add your email address to this list, so that the Kindle device will accept the file.
  7. In your mail program, start a new email to the @Kindle.com email address you just found.
  8. Attach the Mobi file and then send your email.
  9. Wait approximately five minutes and then open your Kindle and sync. Your book should appear in your Books or Documents sections.

To add the (".mobi") file to your Kindle Fire:

  1. Turn your Kindle on.
  2. Connect the Kindle to your computer with a USB Cable (note that the Kindle Fire does not ship with a cable so you will need to supply your own).
  3. Your Kindle screen will now say, "You can now transfer files from your computer to Kindle"
  4. On your computer, the Kindle's hard drive should be mounted and displayed as "KINDLE"
  5. Drag and drop the ".mobi" eBook file into either the "Books" or "Documents" folder on your Kindle
  6. Unmount the Kindle from your computer: choose "Safely Remove Mass Storage Device" (Windows) or "Eject" (Mac)

Your books will show up in the Docs section of your Kindle Fire, as well as in the carousel. 


To add the (".mobi") to other devices:

Each tablet/manufacturer transfer process differs slightly, so always check your user manual for your tablet device to familiarize yourself with the procedure.

Kindle users can also go to Amazon for a variety of instructions on transferring non-Amazon content to their Kindle Tablets.

Enjoy your eBook!


  1. Click the link in the email you received.
  2. Use the password "Willpowered" to access the Audiobook.
  3. Click "Download folder as a .zip file." -OR- Click the name of each chapter to download each file individually. The files should now be downloaded onto your computer. 
  4. If you downloaded the .zip file, unzip the file. If not, proceed to step 5.
  5. Go to iTunes.
  6. Go to "File" then click "Add to Library..."
  7. Select the files you downloaded.
  8. The files will now be in your iTunes library.
  9. Sync your iTunes to your iPhone.
  10. Your audiobook will now be available on your iPhone.


  1. Click the link in the email you received.
  2. Use the password "Willpowered" to access the Audiobook.
  3. Click "Download folder as a .zip file." -OR- Click the name of each chapter to download each file individually. The files should now be downloaded onto your computer. 
  4. If you downloaded the .zip file, unzip the file. If not, proceed to step 5.
  5. Open the music app you use on your Android.
  6. Click "Import Music" or "Add to Library."
  7. Select the files you downloaded.
  8. The files should now be in your library.
  9. Sync the files to your Android.
  10. Your audiobook will now be available on your iPhone. 


  1. Click the link in the email you received directly from your mobile. 
  2. Use the password "Willpowered" to access the Audiobook.
  3. Click the chapter you would like to listen to. 
  4. Click "play" and listen to the Audiobook directly.