Rule #2: Consistency Conquers, Intensity Squanders.

Rule #2: Consistency Conquers, Intensity Squanders.

As you may know by now, I have a deep passion for 3 things:

  1. Scientific facts...
  2. Technological resources...
  3. And helping individuals achieve whatever greatness they seek.

Since starting Willpowered 2.5 years ago, those points reminded me why the exhaustion, doubt, and failure was worth it.

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Rule #1: Listen. Understand. Act.

Rule #1: Listen. Understand. Act.

On November 4th, four days prior to Election Day, President Obama sat down with Bill Maher to discuss some pressing issues the country faced. 

*Note: I'm just using this as an example, this isn't about either man's politics.

To my great delight, one of the first discussion points was of great importance to me:

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