JK Rowling's Unbelievable Rags to Riches Story

JK Rowling's Unbelievable Rags to Riches Story

It was a simple a train ride from Manchester to London to most of the passengers on the train, but for one passenger, it would be the spark that would change the world of literature forever. 

Joanne Rowling – better known as J.K. Rowling – was overcome with excitement as she saw a vision of a young, scrawny boy who the world would come to fall in love with.  

“I saw Harry! I could see him very clearly – this scrawny little boy. And it was the most physical rush of excitement. It was the same feeling that you get when you meet someone new and feel as if you have found the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with.”

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The Incredible Advantage of Learning Through Action

The Incredible Advantage of Learning Through Action

In 1896, two brothers named Orville and Wilber Wright had a preposterous idea.

“What if we could be the first ones to create manned flight?”

There was no reason to believe that the brothers would be successful. They had no formal education in engineering. They had no experience with any kind of aviation. And they had no financial backing – only the meager profits from their bicycle repair business.

They were also competing against the best and brightest minds in the country.

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The Huge Learning Mistake We All Make

The Huge Learning Mistake We All Make

“What am I doing wrong?!”

Thought the world-class missionary and linguist, Daniel Everett.

He had been sent deep into the heart of the Amazon jungle to teach Christianity to a tribe known as the Piraha. [1]

The Piraha language has been called THE hardest to understand on the planet. It seems to have no grammar structure to it, no alphabet, and one phrase has incredibly different meanings.

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Instantly Double Your Willpower by Leaving Yourself No Retreat

Instantly Double Your Willpower by Leaving Yourself No Retreat

The year was 1519 and Hernán CortĂ©s, with some 600 Spanish soldiers, had landed on a vast inland plateau called Mexico.

The Span­ish con­quis­ta­dor and his men were about to embark on a con­quest of an empire that hoarded some of the world’s great­est trea­sure. But, with only 600 unarmored men, con­quer­ing an empire as vast as Mexico was a mission that was doomed to fail.

This fact was even more clear when you look at the history of Europeans invading Mexico. Many with more soldiers and more resources had tried and failed to conquer the empire.

So Cortés devised a different strategy.

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Fear Doesn't Kill Dreams. This Does.

Fear Doesn't Kill Dreams. This Does.

Carol is in one of the most universally dreaded positions - she is about to give a public speech.

Her palms are sweaty. She can feel her knees trembling. She begins to look down on her notes, then up at the stage where the spotlight is on the person introducing her. Her heart feels like it is about to completely beat out of her chest.

How is she supposed to go up and talk in front of all of these people?!

She is certain that she is going to make a mistake, miss a key part of her speech and have the entire crowd ridicule her. It feels as if she fears the next 30 minutes more than any other 30 minutes she has ever faced in her life.

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The Confirmation Bias - Why Self-Justification is Just So Easy

The Confirmation Bias - Why Self-Justification is Just So Easy

“Sleep?! Sleep is for people who are broke. I don’t sleep. I have an opportunity to turn a dream into a reality.” – Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson 

I think about that quote every time I am up late working, and realize that I have more work than hours that I planned to stay awake. I know the extraordinary value that sleep has on my willpower, but when I want to keep working, I just think about that quote.

Then I turn to other anecdotal stories about people achieving greatness through a lack of sleep and strong willpower to overcome their body’s natural urge to sleep and persevere toward their dreams.

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How I Overcame the Awful Pain of Burnout

How I Overcame the Awful Pain of Burnout

The walk to the gym.  

It was a walk I had been doing for over 2 and a half years as I had been training for the Spartan Race. In my first race in October 2012, I finished in 334th. But after over 2 years of hard training I had worked my way up to finishing 7th – a mere 2 spots away from becoming a sponsored athlete. 

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The Hot-Cold Gap: How Planning Leads to Failure

The Hot-Cold Gap: How Planning Leads to Failure

"Why don't these people get it?!"

Thought researchers who were studying a group of non-exercisers who were trying to set up a habitual exercise routine. 

The participants had been asked to estimate the amount of time they knew FOR SURE they'd be able to spend in the gym over the next 2 weeks. On average, the participants planned to spend about 10 hours/week in the gym.

I'm sure you have gone through a similar planning process at some point. So you probably won’t be shocked when I tell you that the average time actually spent in the gym wasn’t even half of that!

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How To Deal With Judgment and Criticism

How To Deal With Judgment and Criticism

“I quit my job and I’m going to start a blog where I write about and teach the science of willpower.” 

How would your friends and family react to that statement? 

Yeah, mine too.  

Blank stares, worried faces and ultimately a lot of judgment and criticism – especially because the last time I pursued a dream, I failed. Miserably.  

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Why History's Greatest Minds Accept Being Wrong

Why History's Greatest Minds Accept Being Wrong


“A fool doth think himself wise. But a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” – William Shakespeare

In 1846, Vienna General Hospital had a crisis – 1 in 6 women who came into the hospital to give birth were dying of childbed fever.

Every day, women were developing the disease during child birth and dying at such a rapid rate that many were choosing to take the risk of giving birth at home rather than going to the hospital.  

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How To Use Willpower To Increase Your Creativity

How To Use Willpower To Increase Your Creativity

It has been called the most difficult language to understand on the planet. 

In the second half of the 20th century, Missionaries have gone deep into the jungle of the Amazon to try to bring God’s message to a tribe known as the Piraha. Many have been driven half mad in their attempts to learn their language that seems to have little structure or methodology to it [1]. 

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