Rule #8: To Reach Your Goal, Shape the Path.

Rule #8: To Reach Your Goal, Shape the Path.

Imagine that you and I went back 100 years to a time when cars were first made available to the average person. 

It's an exciting time.

This disruptive change in technology has given us the freedom to reach destinations beyond what we dreamed possible. 

**But there's a catch.**

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Rule #5: Don't Multi-task, Multi-goal

Rule #5: Don't Multi-task, Multi-goal

You're probably familiar with the saying, 

"Hit two birds with one stone."

But imagine for a second that this saying was your reality. 
Imagine you were trying to hit two birds with one stone because you relied on those two birds for dinner.

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Read the Frickin' Manual

Read the Frickin' Manual

At 24 years of age, Mark Cuban was far from what many would call a success.

“I was living in a 3-bedroom apartment in Dallas. I didn’t have my own bedroom. I slept on the couch or floor depending on what time I got home. I had no closet. Instead, I had a pile that everyone knew was mine. My car had the usual hole in the floorboard, a ’77 FIAT X19 that burned a quart of oil that I couldn’t afford every week.”

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My Planning Process for Achieving Unrealistic Goals

My Planning Process for Achieving Unrealistic Goals

Over the last 6 years, I have deliberately put myself in "no retreat" situations. 

I have moved to a new city, I have set a hard deadline, or signed up to do something out of my comfort zone. Whenever I'm becoming a big fish in a small pond with my personal development, I jump into a bigger pond – even if I'm not ready.

I've done this so often, in fact, that I developed a process that helps me achieve the "unrealistic" goals necessary to make it in the "bigger pond."

Right now, I have yet another unrealistic goal. So here is how I planned to achieve it:

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The Hot-Cold Gap: How Planning Leads to Failure

The Hot-Cold Gap: How Planning Leads to Failure

"Why don't these people get it?!"

Thought researchers who were studying a group of non-exercisers who were trying to set up a habitual exercise routine. 

The participants had been asked to estimate the amount of time they knew FOR SURE they'd be able to spend in the gym over the next 2 weeks. On average, the participants planned to spend about 10 hours/week in the gym.

I'm sure you have gone through a similar planning process at some point. So you probably won’t be shocked when I tell you that the average time actually spent in the gym wasn’t even half of that!

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