Why Automation is the Best Use of Your Time โ€“ And How to Get Started

Why Automation is the Best Use of Your Time โ€“ And How to Get Started

It can feel like youโ€™re drowning.

No matter what you do, no matter how hard you work, no matter what productivity strategies you try; you just can't seem to find enough hours in the day.

I knew that feeling well. But I was able to escape the quicksand over the last year through one simple rule:

Work one fewer hour each day.

No, this isn't going to be one of those posts about how you need to rest more โ€“ I didn't escape 'the quicksand of not enough hours in the day' by taking that hour off.

I did it by devoting that one hour to automation.

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Rule #5: Don't Multi-task, Multi-goal

Rule #5: Don't Multi-task, Multi-goal

You're probably familiar with the saying, 

"Hit two birds with one stone."

But imagine for a second that this saying was your reality. 
Imagine you were trying to hit two birds with one stone because you relied on those two birds for dinner.

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