What I Accomplished in My 90-Day 'Goal Bootcamp'

What I Accomplished in My 90-Day 'Goal Bootcamp'

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

That's what former Marine, Erik Therwanger, told me about the approach to leadership that he learned in the Marines.

It's also the foundation of his 90 day run.

The concept is incredibly simple – the US military has a long history of teaching young men and women how to become the best version of themselves in just 90 days.

So why not apply that same methodology to the civilian world as well?

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How a SMARTS Goal Helped Me Conquer My Greatest Weakness

How a SMARTS Goal Helped Me Conquer My Greatest Weakness

Filmmaking isn’t about the little details, it’s about the big picture!” – Johnny Depp, portraying Ed Wood. A.K.A the worst filmmaker of all time.

All my life I've been a big picture thinker.

I've tried to achieve a grand vision... Create a disruptive innovation... And, of course, change the world.

This perspective has helped me immensely in handling setbacks, pushing through struggles, and remembering to see the forest instead of the trees.

However, the devil is in the details. And I've had a lot of devils come up and bite me because of my focus on the big picture.

But, at the beginning of 2018, I set a 'SMARTS' goal to focus on both the forest and the trees.

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