Rule #3: Never Give in to Guilt

Rule #3: Never Give in to Guilt

There are two things I'm sure everybody reading this has experienced at some point:

Failure & Guilt.

Everybody has tried... 
Everybody has failed...
And everbody has felt guilty about letting friends, family, or themselves down.

But does feeling guilty really motivate you to "get back on track?"

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A Simple Formula to Discover Your Passion, Talent, and Value

A Simple Formula to Discover Your Passion, Talent, and Value

There are two categories of people in this world: hedgehogs and foxes.

The fox knows a great many things. He is cunning and smart. He is fast and sneaky. He is willing to try a lot of strategies to beat the hedgehog and win his share of the forest.

The hedgehog, on the other hand, knows one big thing. He is simple. He knows only one strategy but executes it to perfection. Whatever the fox tries, the hedgehog defends himself with what he knows how to do best. 

When they face each other, the fox always tries a new strategy to defeat the hedgehog.

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8 Writers That Will Make You a Willpower Superstar

8 Writers That Will Make You a Willpower Superstar


I had officially completed The Will of Heroes, and I felt incredibly proud of the accomplishment.

But as I moved onto the acknowledgements and citations I realized just how much brilliant writers and researchers who came before me have influenced my work.

The rigorous research, the groundbreaking conclusions, and brilliant principles taught by these people helped me become a willpower superstar—and they can help you become one as well!

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The Science of Motivation–And How to Master it!

The Science of Motivation–And How to Master it!

Imagine that you arrive at the office tomorrow stressed and tired. 

You're worried about the responsibilities of the upcoming week, and the New Year is looking like it is going to be hectic. 

Then your boss comes into your office and offers you a promotion. The promotion will come with a $5,000 increase in salary, but it will also require even more work and responsibility.

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My Willpowered Plan to Finish Kickstarter Strong (and Put My Money Where My Mouth is)

My Willpowered Plan to Finish Kickstarter Strong (and Put My Money Where My Mouth is)

I feel like my whole life has built up to this moment. It is truly make or break time.

I have spent the last 5 years researching the science behind how normal people used their willpower to achieve extraordinary success. Then writing about the simple, proven ways you can follow their lead.

I claim to have the answers to the equation of what it takes to will yourself through the hard times and come out the other side victorious.

So it is time for me to put my money where my mouth is and prove it.

For those of you who don't know, Kickstarter is "all or nothing". If we don't reach the goal in time, we don't receive any funding to publish the book. 

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Why Making Decisions is a Waste of Your Willpower

Why Making Decisions is a Waste of Your Willpower

All the two Israeli men could do was hope.

Hope that the judge would hear their cases thoughtfully and free them to return to society as reformed convicts.

Each case was the same:

They both committed fraud.

They both were serving 30-month sentences.

They both were well-behaved during their 18-months in prison.

The only difference – at least on paper – was the time of their parole hearing. One was at 8:50am and the other was at 4:30pm.

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The 10 Best Foods For Long-lasting Willpower

The 10 Best Foods For Long-lasting Willpower

What fuels our willpower?

That was the question on researchers minds as they tested the impact of a healthy breakfast on high school students. They split the students into 3 groups with different foods to see which would lead to the best behavior and academic performance.

The first group of students was given a healthy breakfast of low-glycemic foods like eggs, fruit and oatmeal. 

The second group of students was given an unhealthy breakfast of high-glycemic foods like bagels muffins and Pop-Tarts.

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Moral Licensing - Why Feeling "Good" Justifies Doing "Bad"

Moral Licensing - Why Feeling "Good" Justifies Doing "Bad"

How can this be?

The researchers thought. They were testing to see whether people who were half way to completing their overall goal would be more likely to finish it if they were focused on how far they had come, or how far they still had to go.

The researchers thought they had a sure winner in the group that focused on their progress. After all, wouldn’t feeling good about how far you have come make you that much more committed to seeing the goal through to the finish?

Apparently not.

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The Overwhelming Power of Small Wins

The Overwhelming Power of Small Wins

During one of his many serious contemplations about suicide, Eric Clapton was saved by only one thought.

If he killed himself, he would no longer be able to drink. [1]

He had brief periods of addiction with coke and heroin, but neither of them were as important to him as his relationship with alcohol. After several times in which he seriously thought about ending his life, however, he finally checked himself into rehab.

After completing rehab, he remained sober for several years before one summer day.

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The Long Journey to Realizing a Dream

The Long Journey to Realizing a Dream

I was standing in the gym in early February, 2013. It was empty.

A month before I could hardly move there were so many people. All of them with enthusiasm. All of them with ambition. And all of them with the hope that 2013 is the year that they finally summon the willpower to become the person that they truly want to be.

The one who is fit.

The one who is healthy. 

The one who creates a goal and sticks with it to completion.

Yet there I stood. Looking around to empty treadmills, empty bikes, empty benches and merely a handful of people who exercise regularly.

It was then that it hit me. It shouldn’t be this way. 

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The Top 10 Willpower Questions

The Top 10 Willpower Questions

What is the key distinguishing factor in willpower success and failure?

Why do I have willpower some days and not others?

Is there a difference in willpower between men and women?

Willpowered now has almost 30,000 email subscribers (who all rock) and I receive about 20-30 emails from you every single day. Many of which have very good questions!

So I wanted to share some of the best and most frequently asked questions from subscribers so everyone can see their answers!

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The Shocking Truth About High Self-Esteem

The Shocking Truth About High Self-Esteem

"Can we help students who are struggling in class turn things around by helping to boost their self-esteem?" 

It seemed like a good idea in theory. After all, there is a correlation between getting good grades and having a high self-esteem. [1

But which comes first? 

Do students with a high self-esteem naturally try harder because they believe in themselves? Or is it just natural that those who work hard and get good grades have a high self-esteem from achieving great results? 

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How Strong Principles Create Strong Willpower

How Strong Principles Create Strong Willpower

Willpowered Day 1 Task List: 

- Establish principles that I will not break under any circumstances

That is what I penned in my journal on September 26th as I was about to embark on this new adventure with Willpowered.  

I knew that before there were any subscribers, before there were any customers, before there was even an article written, I was going to need to establish a higher standard that I would always live up to. 

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How Being Judgmental Kills Your Willpower

How Being Judgmental Kills Your Willpower

One day in Bentonville, Arkansas, Sam Walton sat down for breakfast with a friend. Despite his wild success as the founder of Wal-Mart, Sam lived a very simple lifestyle. This included frequenting this tiny, neighborhood Arkansas diner for many of his meals.  

As he and his friend were eating, a man entered the diner. Sam turned to his friend and said, “that’s Joe. I really admire Joe. He used to be a truck driver, but decided to go into business for himself and raises chickens. Now his business is extremely successful. I have a lot to learn from Joe.” 

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The Extraordinary Power of Perspective – How Your Point of View Affects Your Willpower

 The Extraordinary Power of Perspective – How Your Point of View Affects Your Willpower

“I’ve done 20 Ironman Traithlons, who needs this?”

Said Joe DeSena, founder of The Spartan Race, as he was in the middle of doing the Utah Ironman Triathlon. Joe is renowned for pushing his body to the limit, but this time he felt like he had pushed his body as far as it could possibly go

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Your 2 Minds - The Science Behind Short-term and Long-term Motivation

Your 2 Minds - The Science Behind Short-term and Long-term Motivation

There it is. That slice of cheesecake on the dessert cart that seems all so tempting. Despite your goals of health and fitness, it feels like your entire body is willing you to say, “YES!! Eat the cheesecake!! Get it before the dessert cart leaves!!”

Then another part of you comes into the frame. It says, “But wait! This is a new year! And I promised myself that I would resist cheesecake!”

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The Marshmallow Test - Why Developing Willpower is So Important

The Marshmallow Test - Why Developing Willpower is So Important

In 1970, psychologists Walter Mischel and Ebbe B. Ebbesen invited a group of 4-year olds into a laboratory for what may have been the toughest test of their short lives. They sat down at a table by themselves with a delicious, tempting, marshmallow on a plate in front of them.

They were told that they could eat the marshmallow if they wanted to right now, but if they could wait 15 minutes, they would be able to have 2 marshmallows. As a 4 year-old, this was painful to say the least. 

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Why Willpower Is A Limited Resource - And How You Can Quickly Restore It

Why Willpower Is A Limited Resource - And How You Can Quickly Restore It

“What have I done to deserve this?!”

Said Amanda Palmer as a frat boy tried to shove his head into her crotch. Palmer, an up and coming musician, was spending her days as a living statue in order to help pay the bills. She would spend hours in a bridal costume on top of a box in the middle of Harvard Square and would not move an inch.

Some people would insult her, others would try to make her laugh, and some would threaten to steal the money she had been collecting. But through it all, she remained completely still.

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